Tag: #earthquakes
On Research Data in Action: Broadband Support for Disaster Early Warning Systems — Sept Blog Post
Wildfires are ravaging huge swaths of California, Oregon, Washington, and other western states. Link Oregon considers how networking technologies could better support disaster detection efforts, such as ALERTWildfire and ShakeAlert®, which are overseen in Oregon by Doug Toomey and the University of Oregon’s O-HAZ team. Read more…
On Research Data in Action: Broadband Support for Disaster Early Warning Systems
The 2020 wildfire season exploded well ahead of schedule this year under conditions of record low humidity, extreme winds, and scorching temperatures—Death Valley reached 130 degrees last month, the highest mercury reading on Earth in almost 90 years. Fires ignited by epic storms, human error, and, reportedly, even by intention are currently ravaging huge swaths…